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Patent v3-1-1

Approov Patents

Client Software Attestation

This patent describes a computer-implemented method for a server computing device to verify the integrity of a software application running on a client computing device. The process involves executing software on the server that communicates with an attestation server device. A client software application on the client computing device calculates a cryptographic hash fingerprint of its code image, sending it to the attestation server to prove integrity. The attestation server generates a pass/fail result and communicates it to the server using a signed token. This communication happens indirectly via the client computing device, using a shared secret key to sign the token. The server, upon receiving a service/data request and signed token from the client, adjusts its behaviour based on the prior attestation result. If attestation fails, the server denies requested services/data.


US Patent 11,163,858 B2

The invention claimed is:

1. A computer-implemented method of enabling a server computing device to determine if a client software application executing on a client computing device has not been tampered, the method comprising the steps of:

software executing on the server computing device, the software communicating either directly or indirectly with an attestation server;

the client software application running on the client computing device, the client software application communicating with the same said attestation server;

the client software application calculating a cryptographic hash fingerprint of its executing code image, wherein the cryptographic hash fingerprint is communicated to the attestation server to prove that the client software application is untampered;

the attestation server generating a pass or fail attestation result;

communicating the attestation result between the attestation server and the server computing device;

controlling the behaviour of the server computing device in a way that is conditional on whether a prior attestation of the client software application was a pass or fail attestation result,

wherein the communication between the attestation server and the server computing device is communicated indirectly via the client computing device by use of a signed token provided from the attestation server to the client computing devices, in which:

a shared secret key is known by the attestation server and the server computing device but not by the client computing device;

said shared secret key being used to sign the token such that it proves that the signer is in possession of the secret key.


Client Software Attestation - Patent diagram Version 2

Source: Approov


Learn more details about Approov's patents: US 11,163,858 B2 and EPO 3 295 352 B1.

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