Real Time
Real Time Threat Intelligence
Real Time Threat Intelligence provides a live feed of information from running apps and the attacks they are facing in the field. This information is used to constantly evolve Approov's security models, with the flexibility to push out Over-The-Air updates as needed.
Update your security posture instantly with no need to release a new app version
See live information from your installed base of apps
Understand the threats and attacks your apps are experiencing
Live Metrics
Live metrics are accumulated regarding device usage, integrity failure reason forensics, and billing information. Information is presented in powerful Grafana dashboards showing trends and allowing zooming into specific time periods and cross-correlation of events.

Live Threats
Previews are available of the type of information made available to our customers. This is based on delayed anonymized data from across our customer base. Individual customers are provided with live data for their own apps. See Threats Detected, Threats By Category, Android Threats By Category and iOS Threats By Category.

Activity Reports
Detailed summaries of daily or monthly activity across all of your app's user base are provided. This shows the usage by app name and app version, as well as detailed insights into the number of app instances that have been rejected by Approov and the detailed reasons for this.
Continuous API Monitoring
If your app's backend API endpoints were to go down or otherwise become inaccessible then your app will suffer an outage. Our servers continuously monitor your app's backend API endpoints. If these become inaccessible or the certificate pins that they use are no longer valid then a notification is immediately sent. Using the Dynamic Certificate Pinning feature of Approov pins can be updated immediately over the air with no need to update the app itself.
Over-the-Air Updates
Attackers continuously evolve their runtime penetration techniques, and Approov stays up to date by providing security detection updates over-the-air without requiring app store updates. This live update service is also used to manage trust certificates and security policies.