
Convenience Without Compromise
Product & price scraping
APIs open to customer browsing are open to scraping tools as well.
Approov Solution
Prevents pricing bots from scraping your catalog and undercutting your competitive position.
Denial of Inventory
Bots can also tie up your available inventory by creating fake accounts and saving items in carts with no intent to purchase.
Approov Solution
Blocks hackers from reverse engineering and using your APIs to tie up inventory and frustrate your shoppers.

Build a Trusted Buying Experience
Ticket Scalping
Scalping bots automatically buy and later resell, crowding out your real customers from purchasing new tickets or limited product releases.
Approov Solution
Locks out scalping bots so that regardless of user credentials, purchasing can only be done from your genuine mobile app.
Auction Sniping
Sniping bots place last second bids in online auctions, locking out good faith participants.
Approov Solution
Requires bids go through your mobile app to block sniping bots from undermining human bidders.

Protect your Reputation
Account Takeover
Credential stuffing attacks use credentials stolen from other site breaches or they repeatedly try weak credential combinations to take over your customer accounts. Today, this likely makes up the majority of your login traffic.
Approov Solution
Frustrates brute force attacks by only accepting login requests coming from your legitimate shopping app.
Gift Card Cracking
Gift cards with valid balances can be identified and then used or sold without requiring login credentials.
Approov Solution
Requires that gift cards be applied through your mobile app to protect your gift card value from brute force crackers.