Zero Trustfor Mobile Apps

Cross Platform Mobile Attestation for Android, HarmonyOS and iOS

View Real-Time Threats

Regain Control of Your Mobile App Security

Only Approov provides dynamic runtime mobile protection (RASP) that verifies trust and mitigates evolving threats. Go beyond traditional passive static approaches. Approov continuously secures the device, the app, the APIs and the channel it uses all the way to the Cloud!

Defend Your Five Mobile Attack Surfaces

Approov provides the only comprehensive run-time security solution for mobile apps and their APIs, unified across Android, iOS, and HarmonyOS.

How Approov Protects Your Revenue

Only your own mobile apps — running in safe environments and communicating over secured connections — can use your APIs and backend resources. Botnets, malicious scripts, tampered and fake apps are blocked.

Request a Demo

Give us 30 minutes and our security experts will show you how to protect your revenue and business data by deploying Approov to secure your mobile apps and your APIs

Get a Trial

Approov offers a complimentary 30 day trial (no credit card necessary) to give you immediate and valuable insight into the security risks of your mobile apps and the devices they run on.