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Approov Blog
Mobile Payment

Enhancing Mobile Payment Security: A Comprehensive Approach with Approov

June 16, 2024

Mobile payment systems are increasingly popular, offering convenience and speed for consumers and businesses alike. However, the security of these systems remains a significant concern, especially with the rising number of cyber threats targeting financial transactions. This blog post will explore the essential aspects of mobile payment security and how Approov can provide a robust solution to protect mobile applications and their backend APIs. Read Full Story

Empowering Mobile Payments: Approov's Security and PCI MPoC Mastery

January 18, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile applications, especially those dealing with sensitive financial transactions, security is paramount. Approov, an advanced App and API security solution, takes a multifaceted approach to ensure the integrity of protected APIs, with a focus on the recently introduced Payment Card Industry (PCI) Mobile Payments on COTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) devices (MPoC) standard. Read Full Story