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Gaming and Gambling

Approov Announces Support for the Unity Engine- Strengthening Mobile Game Security

May 30, 2024

As the mobile gaming industry continues to grow, so does the importance of robust security measures. Game developers face increasing pressure to protect their apps and user data from sophisticated cyber threats. In response, Approov has launched a Quickstart for UnityWebRequest, designed to enhance the security of mobile games developed using Unity. This initiative not only simplifies the integration of advanced security features but also underscores the importance of app attestation in safeguarding mobile applications. Read Full Story

5 Threats to Mobile Games and 5 Essential Security Measures

March 19, 2024

Gaming Means Mobile Gaming With the rise in popularity, mobile games have become a massive target for hackers, and cybersecurity should be a priority for both developers and players. However recent research shows that mobile games are still not well protected. This could be due to developers struggling to prioritize the long list of overlapping threats which must be mitigated, or concern around the possible negative impact of security solutions on customer experience. Read Full Story

Securing Mobile Gambling Platforms

November 8, 2022

Gambling has come a long way since the days of visiting a bricks and mortar outlet and filling in some paperwork to bet on a small set of events and outcomes. Recent years have seen dramatic changes in this market. In this article we’ll look at how it has evolved and what the security implications are. Read Full Story

Securing Multiplayer Mobile Gaming Against Manipulation & Cyberthreats

August 25, 2020

Remember Pokémon Go, the location-based augmented reality mobile game from Niantic Labs that became an overnight global sensation when it launched in 2016? Well, the game has had a record 2019 having surpassed its launch year in revenues, announced a live AR multiplayer feature, and, on a slightly dissonant note, sued an “association of hackers” for creating and distributing unauthorized derivative versions of the company’s mobile apps. Around the launch, we’d covered some of the app-related issues in some detail, and here’s a quick recap of the situation as a prelude to multiplayer mobile gaming security in 2020. Read Full Story