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Approov Blog
A Series - Mobility Trends

The Race to Secure Connected Cars

February 26, 2020

This is the final article in our 3 part review of trends in the Mobility market. In case you missed them, the first part can be found here and the second part can be found here. In 2015, “white hat” hackers remotely attacked a Jeep Cherokee and left it paralyzed on the side of a highway. They returned in 2016 with an in-vehicle hack to prove that things could get much worse. In 2017, researchers from an IT security company analyzed some of the most popular mobile apps from car manufacturers to find that every app was vulnerable to attacks in some shape or form. In 2018, the number of Black Hat attacks overtook White Hat incidents for the first time in the history of Smart Mobility. Read Full Story

Traditional OEMs in a Mobility-as-a-Service World

February 25, 2020

This is the second article in our 3 part review of trends in the Mobility market. If you missed the first part, you can find it here. Electric vehicles (EVs), with a mere 1.7% market share in 2019, are still at least a few years away from going mass market. This segment is expected to hit mass market adoption by 2025 and then build up to a share of about half of all new car sales by 2040. Read Full Story

The Rise of On-Demand Mobility

February 24, 2020

This is the first article in a 3 part review of trends in the Mobility market. The Mobility market has become a key sector for Approov deployment over the last few years. Therefore we thought it would be interesting to take a look at this market in detail, to understand its underlying forces and trends. This is the first of a series of 3 blog articles on the topic. Last year, the global car market posted its sharpest decline in sales – by 3 million according to one study, 4 million according to another – since the financial crisis of the last decade. The worse news is that neither study predicts a quick return to normal growth any time soon. In fact, 2022 is the earliest estimate for a global recovery. Read Full Story