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Approov Integration for Ruby Backends


Photo by Victoria Priessnitz on Unsplash

Ruby is a programming language conceived by Yukihiro Matsumoto from Japan in 1993 and released in 1995. The language is intended to make the developer more productive by focusing on making it easier to parse by humans than by computers. Ruby is a blend of the best parts of the author's favourite languages: Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada and Lisp.

The integration of Approov within a Ruby API server will ensure that your API can only be accessed by genuine instances of your mobile app. Scripts and bots will be blocked. This is achieved by adding the Approov SDK to your mobile app and implementing the Approov Token check in your Ruby code couldn’t be easier because the token is a regular signed JWT. All you need is to use the jwt/ruby-jwt package to check the expiry time and verify the signature with the secret known only by your Ruby API server and the Approov cloud service.

To enhance the protection of your API further, you can secure each request by using the Approov Token Binding advanced feature of Approov. This allows you to check the binding of a header in the request with the Approov token itself, for example, the user authentication header.

Please follow one of the Quickstart guides in the repo to learn how to integrate Approov into your current Ruby project.



If you have any questions around why or how to use Approov in your Ruby project, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Paulo Renato

Paulo Renato is known more often than not as paranoid about security. He strongly believes that all software should be secure by default. He thinks security should be always opt-out instead of opt-in and be treated as a first class citizen in the software development cycle, instead of an after thought when the product is about to be finished or released.