What are the benefits of Approov?

How Approov Mobile Security protects your revenue

Positive App Authentication

  • Ensures the authenticity of your app and the device it runs on.

API Security

  • Safeguards backend APIs from abuse, credential stuffing, fake botnet registrations, and DDoS attacks.

Runtime Secrets Protection

  • Enables the removal of hardcoded API keys and secrets from your app, allowing for instant updates across installed apps.
  • Protects runtime secrets for 3rd party APIs, ensuring they remain secure.

Protection from Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

  • Uses dynamic certificate pinning to block MitM attacks and allows secure, over-the-air instant pin updates without service disruptions.

Tamper Detection and Jailbreak/Root Detection

  • Detects unsafe operating environments on client devices, such as rooted/jailbroken devices, debuggers/emulators, and malicious frameworks.
  • Frequent runtime checks block app tampering and masked fraudulent transactions not caught at install time.

Confidence in Secure Client Environment

  • Ensures the client environment is always secure through continuous monitoring and threat detection.

Elimination of API Keys and Secrets from Mobile Code

  • Allows dynamic management of security policies, certificates, and secrets, eliminating the need for hardcoded credentials.

Bots and Automation Blocking

  • Blocks bots and automations without falsely rejecting valid apps, reducing fraud costs for your business.

Approov Diagram - How Approov Prevents Bot Attacks

Over-the-Air Security Updates

  • Allows continuous enhancement of security capabilities against emerging threats without the need to release a new app version.
Cross-Platform Support
  • Supports iOS, Android, Harmony OS, and Non-GMS Android devices, providing comprehensive protection for all mobile applications with a single solution.
Real-Time Analytics for Control and Compliance
  • Offers real-time threat intelligence, providing immediate insights into deployed apps, the environments they operate in, and any active threats being defended against.
Compliance with Regulatory Standards
  • Ensures compliance with industry regulatory standards through robust security measures and real-time monitoring.

Easy Integration and Operation

  • The SDK is easy to deploy and can be integrated into existing mobile applications with minimal code changes, allowing organizations to quickly and easily enhance their app security.

Approov Diagram - Rapid Deployment App Integration