How to Implement Zero Trust for Mobile Apps

Understanding Zero Trust for Mobile App Development

Zero Trust is a security framework that requires all users, whether inside or outside the organization’s network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validated before being granted or keeping access to applications and data. For mobile app developers, this means ensuring that every interaction, from the mobile app to backend APIs, adheres to strict verification protocols.

Why Mobile App Attestation is Crucial

Mobile app attestation is a key component of a zero-trust strategy. It verifies the integrity of the app and the device it runs on before allowing access to backend services. This process ensures that only legitimate, untampered apps can interact with your APIs, thus protecting sensitive data from malicious actors.

Key Components of Zero Trust for Mobile Apps

  1. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Enforce strong authentication mechanisms.
    • Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security.
  2. Mobile App Attestation:

    • Implement app attestation to verify app integrity and authenticity.
    • Ensure that the app is not running on a compromised device.
  3. API Security:

    • Protect backend APIs from unauthorized access.
    • Use dynamic secrets and tokens to authenticate API requests.
  4. Secure Communication:

    • Implement TLS for encrypted communication channels.
    • Use certificate pinning to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

Challenges in Mobile App Security

Secrets Management:

  • Hardcoding secrets, such as API keys, in mobile applications is risky as these can be easily extracted by bad actors. Instead, secrets should be managed dynamically and delivered securely at runtime.

Cross-Platform Security:

  • Developing for Android, iOS, and HarmonyOS introduces varying security challenges. A zero-trust approach ensures a consistent security posture across all platforms.

Approov provides a robust cross-platform attestation solution for implementing zero-trust security in mobile applications. By moving decision-making to the cloud, Approov ensures that secrets and sensitive data are never stored or processed on the client side, significantly reducing the risk of compromise.

Key Features of Approov:

  • Positive App Authentication: Ensures traffic to your API is from verified, untampered apps.
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attack Protection: Implements TLS and certificate pinning correctly.
  • Dynamic Secrets Management: Delivers API keys and secrets just-in-time, only to verified apps.
  • Comprehensive Environment Checks: Detects compromised devices and malicious instrumentation frameworks.

Implementing Zero Trust with Approov

  1. Integrate Approov SDK:
    • Integrate the Approov SDK into your mobile apps. This SDK is designed to be minimally invasive and works with your existing codebase on Android (GMS), non-GMS Android, iOS and Harmony OS platforms.
  2. Cloud-Based Decision Making:
    • Configure Approov to manage and deliver secrets, including API keys, dynamically from the cloud, ensuring that sensitive data is never exposed within the app itself.
  3. Continuous Monitoring and Analytics:
    • Utilize Approov’s live Threat Analytics to monitor attestation traffic and security events, enabling real-time responses to potential threats.

Screenshot of Approov real time analytics dashboard and Approov logo


Adopting a zero-trust approach for mobile app development is essential in today's threat landscape. By leveraging mobile app attestation and secure backend API access, developers can ensure that their applications remain secure across all platforms. Approov provides a comprehensive solution that not only meets but exceeds the stringent requirements of a zero-trust framework, making it an invaluable tool for mobile app security.

For more information and a free technical consultation, visit